Thursday, November 10, 2011

Know Various Causes of Dental Crown Pain

Dental crowns are considered to heal the discomfort of damaged or decayed tooth. They are dental restorations which cap or encircle the entire tooth or dental implant. However, certain pain is even associated with dental crowns. This may be due to various reasons among which some are discussed below.

An improper root canal treatment before inserting the crown is one of the most prominent causes of dental crown pain. Also, if a crown is placed in incorrectly or poorly fitted, then the gums may get irritated or there may be a rise of sensitivity in the nearby teeth. An ill-fitting of the dental crown can overextend the crown which leads to impingement on the surface of the gums. As a result, the gums around the tooth are swollen. Sometimes, if the crown is too small in height, a part of the prepared tooth surface is exposed which may tend to lodge food particles and microorganisms. It ultimately results in swollen gums, infection and pain.

Injury to tooth while flossing is the other cause of dental crown pain. It is necessary to be extra careful to prevent lodge of any food particles in the treated region. Gum tissues of the nearby region get injured with overzealous brushing or flossing. Any likely retaining of food particles can promote bacterial growth leading to tooth decay and gum infection. Any of these causes may cause dental crown pain which has to be treated immediately. It is very much irritating to bear this pain. It is recommended to visit the dentist the moment you experience the crown pain as early as possible. The dentist finds the likely reason and provides the best solution making you relieved from the severe pain.

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