Saturday, October 10, 2009

Glassware Care & Cleaning

It is very important that glassware is used and stored properly to prevent failure or injury. Any scratches, whether noticeable or not, greatly reduces its strength. Whenever possible, do not let glass apparatus contact metal, grit or even other glassware. Plastic stirring rods and scrapers should be used to prevent scratches and prolong glassware life. Glass should not be scribed or etched. This is especially important when it is to be used for pressure or vacuum work. Hear are some important tips of cleaning and caring your glassware.
  • All glassware should be inspected frequently. Bring to the Glass Shop at first sign of damage for evaluation or repair.
  • Clean and dry glassware as soon as possible prior to storing. Dirty glassware gets harder to clean over time.
  • Re-grease joints and stopcocks often. This is especially important for vacuum work.
  • When not in use, remove and clean all stoppers, adapters and plugs to prevent “sticking” problems.
  • Cover all metal rods with rubber tubing before storing flasks or apparatus on them.
  • If glassware or quartz ware is to be heated, it must be triple rinsed in deionizer or distilled water after cleaning and dried thoroughly. This will ensure contaminates are not burned onto glassware permanently. When handling quartz you should always wear clean cotton gloves to prevent oil on your hands from contaminating and causing the onset of diversification.

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