Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Hire People Smarter Than You

In the hiring process, hiring smarter people will give better results to the organization. In some organizations, the interviewer doesn’t want to hire smarter people than him or her, because of ego problem. If the interviewer hires the smarter people than him or her, it will improve the productivity and profits of the organization.

This might seem counterintuitive, and a bit of an ego-buster, but it will give good result to the organization. The best way of learning and improving is working with the smart people. If the organization is committed to constantly learning and improving, then the organization must hire smarter people.

The smarter people only take the team into next level. For hiring smarter people, the organization or the interviewer must follow the best interviewing techniques, assessing tests, and also have the good ability to identify the skills, abilities, and appropriate behaviors of the candidates.

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