Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Rose Plants Beautify Garden

fairy houses
A rose garden is considered to increase the beauty of your home. Rose plants should be pruned to encourage new growth and bloom, remove dead wood, shape the plant and improve air circulation. Ensure that you use proper, clean and sharp tools for pruning.

Rose canes are severely cut back to 4-5 inches in hard pruning. A strong root system is developed by this pruning. It even stimulates the plant to produce new, strong canes from the bud union. In the next method called moderate pruning, you will cut the rose canes back by about one half of their height. It is mostly recommended for hybrid varieties. In light pruning method, the stems are only cut back to less than two-thirds of their length. This is only preferred for very vigorous roses as it can produce a tall and spindly bush.

Any completely dead wood that is black or dark gray should be pruned. Then, remove the damaged branches, diseased branches or branches that cross over one another. Trim out the stems that are too thick or too old. When you are deadheading your roses or want to keep the rose plants inside, you need to make sure that you prune your bush to improve the shape and health of the rose. Making a cut carefully and correctly above a leaf with five little leaflets away from the center of the bush promotes a strong new growth at the cut point. Remember that roses are mostly pruned in late winter or early spring. Without neglecting the importance of pruning the rose plants, you can maintain and accentuate the beauty of your garden.

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